Resources and Reagent Training
Laboratory Conduct & Safety Guidelines
Protocol and instructions for basic histology and immunochemical staining
Use of a microtome (Leica SM2010R)
Making paraformaldehyde (PFA) solutions
Making Phosphate Buffer (PB) or Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) solutions
Processing recorded slices for intracellular biocytin staining
Indirect immunofluorescent staining
Cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining: CO is a mitochondrial energy-generating enzyme used in brain studies as a marker of neural functional activity.
Protocol and instructions for electrophysiology and photostimulation circuit mapping
Ikrar, T., Olivas, N., Shi, Y., Xu, X. (2011) Mapping inhibitory neuronal circuits by laser scanning photostimulation. Journal of Visualized Experiments (56), e3109, DOI : 10.3791/3109. [PMID:22006064] YouTube link
Making normal 2mMMg 2mMCa Recording Solution
Making brain slices cutting solution
Making electrode internal solutions
Protocol and instructions for fast voltage-sensitive dye imaging
Xu, X., Olivas, N.D., Levi, R., Ikrar, T., Nenadic, Z. (2010) High resolution and fast functional mapping of cortical circuitry through a novel combination of voltage sensitive dye imaging and laser scanning photostimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology 103, 2301 – 2312.
Protocol and instructions for viral injection
Resources generated by our projects will be made available in compliance with the NIH policy on sharing research resources.
In particular, we will make available to the research community the viral vectors, plasmids, and all other resources that will be generated by the project. Currently, we have virus stocks of genetically modified rabies (SAD ΔG-EGFP, SAD ΔG-DsRed,EnvA SAD ΔG-EGFP, EnvASAD ΔG-DsRed), helper AAVs (AAV-DIO-HB, AAV-DIO-HTB). The related plasmids are available at A request of aliquots should be directed to Dr. Xu at